HA! Not really, just haven't been blogging lately. Not that there isn't so much to tell the one person who looks at my blog... and I already know. hehehehehe.. did you catch that?
So anyways, whats been going on you ask?? I've decided to charge people for taking their pictures?? Why? Because I LOVE photography, I love people, and it would be nice if I could make a few bucks doing it.
Don't worry- I'm not expensive- but the photos are very "high-end".
Next- Super busy at work right now. The economy has not effected the hotel business, well it has a little. But good thing my customers bring in the big bucks. Right now, I am working on getting the Royal Livingston hotel in Zambia.
Next- Matthew is getting so big so fast! He is walking all over the place saying "mamamamama" and "DAD" it sounds like (DAAAAAD).
He starting walking 2 days before his first birthday- YAYA!! Just in time. I love him. He is my friend.
Thats all for now- check back in about 6 months when I post something again- hehehe.. not really.
Also, check out my website....
www.sharonvasquez.comBYE. BYE.