Friday, July 31, 2009

Disclaimer: I am not taking credit for these shot. :)

These are some amazing pictures I found on the internet- just wanted to share it with you.


I just found this picture- I thought it was cute.
This was at the annual 4th of July gathering held at the Kehlers home in Tulsa.
The boys were having lots of fun in the mini pool...
Cutie pies.


Bootcamp starts in 3 days- I hope this works, but for now I'm going to go cry myself to sleep now.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

This is a picture right outside my house! The picture isn't very good- but its the best I could get without a tripod. :(
Anyways- I was running around my huge backyard to prepare myself for bootcamp (which starts Monday) and it started pouring rain, it was a glorious moment. I pushed through and finish my 20 laps (I figured that would come close to about a mile). Then I collapsed, pulled myself together, and started blogging. Hehehe. Anyways- Rain = glorious.

Playing in the rain is somehow therapedic to my soul, it just makes me happy.
I wish I could have got a better shot as it was pouring down, but I work with what I got.

Whats the moral of this blog you ask?


The End.


Stop Reading.

I'm hanging up now.

No you hang up.

No you!

No... you first.

Okay, I'm really hanging up now.

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This is Matthew playing in his wagon in the backyard- he's really excited about something..

Here's my old shoe..

Whoa... something caught his attention...

Could it be the train in my backyard?? This train flies by probably like 6 or 7 times per day... at least Matt wont ever get tired of seeing it... I love this age of his.
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These are my shoes....

The shoes I've had since before I was 16...

I Liked to write on them... and I'm really glad I did...

Its like wearing a scrapbook....
and its really nice that Tom and I ended up together- because I would have had to toss the shoes out!! :) Love him.
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This is the Gibson Hummingbird acoustic guitar- its pretty amazing. Sometimes Tom and I stay up late and look at its picture. If anyone wants to buy me one feel free. :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Joe Minton

Joe is a fabulous Interior Decorator with an amazing life story- and he is soooo sweet. This is one of his designs that was featured in Southern Accents. Love Him.

This one speaks for itself....

I've been out of town...

HA! Not really, just haven't been blogging lately. Not that there isn't so much to tell the one person who looks at my blog... and I already know. hehehehehe.. did you catch that?

So anyways, whats been going on you ask?? I've decided to charge people for taking their pictures?? Why? Because I LOVE photography, I love people, and it would be nice if I could make a few bucks doing it.

Don't worry- I'm not expensive- but the photos are very "high-end".

Next- Super busy at work right now. The economy has not effected the hotel business, well it has a little. But good thing my customers bring in the big bucks. Right now, I am working on getting the Royal Livingston hotel in Zambia.

Next- Matthew is getting so big so fast! He is walking all over the place saying "mamamamama" and "DAD" it sounds like (DAAAAAD).

He starting walking 2 days before his first birthday- YAYA!! Just in time. I love him. He is my friend.

Thats all for now- check back in about 6 months when I post something again- hehehe.. not really.

Also, check out my website....

