Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Curly Hairs...

I hate them, curly hairs that is.... its awful.. its like I'm getting dragged through the 80's and everyone is standing in the corner laughing at me!! I mean, hello! It is 2008!! The year of sleek, straight, shiny hair, or big loose curls!! Not "lets see how big you can tease your hair year!!!"... its sad and it makes me feel yucky.. and I dare not post a picture of it.. so all of you can post mean cruel comments anonymously... man, I am paranoid!! Really though, this blog is about me venting, because I didn't get up early enough to straighten my curly headed curse... my hair reminds me of an unstoppable rebel force...

Monday, October 27, 2008


Welp, a few days ago I posted something about a girl being "attacked"... well.. she made the whole thing up!! WHAT A PHSYCO!! Seriously... I feel sorry for her.. but at least it wasn't true! She did say she had a history of mental illness... but still... very sad indeed...

Glad we got to the bottom of that one!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Girl Attacked

So, I heard this story about this girl being attacked in Pittsburgh. Supposedly she was standing at the ATM, a guy with his knife threatened her and stole her money, as he was walking away saw her car with a McCain supporter sticker, then decided to "teach her something about politics" and then carved a B in her face with his knife.

I've read several blogs about this, a lot of people think its all a hoax, I don't really know what to believe. I really hope this didn't happen because it sickening and scary, and I'd rather not be reminded of how sick people are in this world.

So, police say her testimony conflicts with evidence at the crime scene. Surveillance tapes show her getting money out of the ATM, having a man walk up to her, some kind of confrontation, and then it shows her getting in her car.

Now this doesn't mean that he didn't follow her and attack her later, but I can't find anything showing this in her testimony. Another thing, she did refuse medical attention at the scene, but I think someone would have noticed if it wasn't a real cut... I mean.. ketchup isn't very believable.. so... does this mean.. if she is lying that she cut her own face??? I don't think so... i mean... I hope not... that would be insane... to attack yourself just to make Obama supporters look bad... there are crazy people everywhere... republican or democrat...
Anyways... if only I could watch the surveillance video myself... then I could come up with a better view of what happened...

God protect us all....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hebrews, encouraging words

5And you have forgotten that word of encouragement that addresses you as sons:"My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, 6 because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son."7Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?

I don't know why I posted this, maybe someone needs it like I do... : ) :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Master Craftman

Tom is so amazing.. Okay, so I found a picture of this awesome changing table system from pottery barn... and of course I wanted it.. but I didn't want to pay $1900 or whatever.. so TOM THE GREAT built it for me.. :) Here is a picture of it

Isn't this awesome!??

Now he is working on the entertainment center for our living room.. which is also a knock off of one from Pottery Barn.. of course ours is much better.. :)

Here are some pictures of him working on the new masterpiece...

I'll post more on the wonderful craftsmanship once he's done with it!! :) :)

Baseball Baby!!

Baseball baby!! How cute!!

New Matt Jack Pictures

Here are some new baby matthew pictures!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


My brother-in-law, Alex, Just bought a Dodge Charger... and its red... and its the batmobile.. and it looks exactly like this... seriously... it does...

Again with the Politics

Even though I am a conservative, I believe I am pretty open minded. I mean, everyone thinks they're right, right? I am voting for McCain because I think it is very important to vote, I believe he is the lesser of two evils. I think trying to make abstinence and abortion and things of this matter illegal, is in my opinion a little crazy... I mean... even though I believe all of those issues are important and I am against them.. I think its crazy to try to make those things illegal. Those are matters of the heart not matters of law, isn't that government control? As much as socializing medicine? You can't say "if you don't do this, I'll cut off your head, or send you to jail"... Don't get me wrong, I think abortion is horrible, and thinking of it makes me sick... I mean I heard my sons heart be after 5 weeks... and I know it was there before that... so just the idea of ending that beat... I can't even talk about it without getting emotional... But it is also a grey area... its not black and white like somethings (its b&w to me, but not generally speaking). Because people want to be in control of their own lives... but let me ask you this... if people believed in abstinence, there wouldn't be a need for abortion (the death of future humans on this planet), nor would there be a need for harmful contraceptives, nor such a thing as aids, sin produces sin... I'm not a perfect person, I've made many mistakes. I believe decisions made of the heart cannot be stopped by laws. Would it not anger you even more if someone insulted your way of life, instead if someone made an influence on your life based on their lifestyles... this is how we can change people.. by influence... positive thinking... encouragement... befriending those who are in need spiritually... I don't even know if this makes sense.. it doesn't matter... its more for me... no ones reads it anyways....

Monday, October 13, 2008

Me & Tom Tom

More of my favorite pictures, My brother-in-law took these pictures... he did a great job.

Some of My Favorite Pictures

I absolutely L.O.V.E taking pictures of my baby boy!! Here are some of my favorites!

The Farm

This past weekend, we took the baby (Mister Matt Jack) to Tom's Granny's Farm (I have no idea if my punctuation is correct, I just throw marks out there and hope they're correct). She is selling like 30 or more acers of land and she had asked if we would travel there and bring some of her things back.. and of course we did!! Tom was super sad on the way back, he and his family grew up going there 2 or more time per year.. and now its all going away. If I was rich, I would buy it, build a log cabin on it and surprise him for Christmas! It could be our get-a-way!! Man, that would be sweet. It is so beautiful, I'm sad little Matt Jack won't be able to go when he's older, and of course he won't remember this last trip... The Farm reminds of Rivendell, the home of the Elvs in Lord of the Rings... or I guess I could say it reminds me of New Zealand... but I've never been there so I guess I would be lying.. I mean seriously.. it just reminds me of an enchanted forestland... where mice and birds clean your kitchen and sing songs.... its lovely... I'll miss it.


I am seriously so sick of Politics.. I cannot wait until November 5th... it happens every 4 years... lies, scandals, best friends turn to enemies, constant arguing over your political stance... Its just sickening..

Although I am pretty passionate about what I believe and who I believe in, I am getting sick of what my opinions and others opinions turn into... you can't just agree to disagree... You have to prove your point.. Don't get me wrong, I think it is incredibly important to influence your opinion if you believe it is right. I'm saying all this just to say that I hate all the arguments, I hate realizing how truly ignorant people are...I just want us all to get along. :) :)


Today I had lunch with one of my most favorite people, Lisa Garret!! Also, one of my really dear friends Rachel was there as well. I love both of them... its funny... we used to go to church together (this isn't haha funny, its more, "that's interesting" funny). Anyway, I don't get to talk to either one of them much, and I love how no matter how longs it has been, no matter what we've been through, we can just pick up where we left off with each other. Its totally comfortable and unchanging. I LOVE IT. I think its sad though, because I went to this church for almost 17 years... and now I'm not a part of their lives anymore... before I could pick up the phone and anytime anyplace and talk to them about anything.. and its not that I can't do that anymore, its just different. You grow up and things change, I am married and have a 4 month old little boy! Its wonderfully different. I do dislike that I don't have those relationships that I cherished so much.. Those people were there for me through a really hard time in my life, and I probably would have ended up a whole lot worse had they not been there for me. I kinda like 'em. I always say.. "I really miss going to church there", my husband has to remind me that I miss the way it was when I was 16... things change, people change, people leave, politics become a part of your life as you get older and they become more aware to you. Growing up is wonderful in parts and sad in parts. Why do you have to loose those special relationships that keep you accountable? Is it part of the growing up process? Its not fair, you learn to love people and you become attached... and then they vanish as if they were never there, as if they were of your imagination.