Friday, October 24, 2008

Girl Attacked

So, I heard this story about this girl being attacked in Pittsburgh. Supposedly she was standing at the ATM, a guy with his knife threatened her and stole her money, as he was walking away saw her car with a McCain supporter sticker, then decided to "teach her something about politics" and then carved a B in her face with his knife.

I've read several blogs about this, a lot of people think its all a hoax, I don't really know what to believe. I really hope this didn't happen because it sickening and scary, and I'd rather not be reminded of how sick people are in this world.

So, police say her testimony conflicts with evidence at the crime scene. Surveillance tapes show her getting money out of the ATM, having a man walk up to her, some kind of confrontation, and then it shows her getting in her car.

Now this doesn't mean that he didn't follow her and attack her later, but I can't find anything showing this in her testimony. Another thing, she did refuse medical attention at the scene, but I think someone would have noticed if it wasn't a real cut... I mean.. ketchup isn't very believable.. so... does this mean.. if she is lying that she cut her own face??? I don't think so... i mean... I hope not... that would be insane... to attack yourself just to make Obama supporters look bad... there are crazy people everywhere... republican or democrat...
Anyways... if only I could watch the surveillance video myself... then I could come up with a better view of what happened...

God protect us all....

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